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This document is part of the "Terms of Use of the Website" and the "Public Offer."  

Terms used in this document are defined within the text and/or in the "Terms of Use of the Website" and the "Public Offer."  

This document regulates the composition of personal data that the Client provides to the Website Owner for registration and delivery, as well as specifies the actions of the Owner related to the processing of the Client's personal data.  

By deciding to register on the Website and further use its services, the Client consents to the collection and processing of their personal data in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.  

In the event that the provisions of this document conflict with the "Terms of Use of the Website" and the "Public Offer" or with current Ukrainian legislation, the latter shall prevail.



The Client may use the Website without registration, but access to certain functionalities will be limited.  

During the registration process, the Client provides the following data: Surname, First Name, Patronymic, and email address.  

When placing an order for Delivery, the Client additionally provides a delivery address in the format specified by the corresponding form on the website.  

The personal data provided by the Client during registration and order placement undergo structuring and processing.



The Website Owner stores the personal data of Clients in accordance with the current legislation on personal data protection and this Privacy Policy.  

The collection of Personal Data is carried out for the following purposes:  

1. Fulfillment of the Website Owner's obligations to the Client that may arise in the process of using the website;  

2. Collection of statistical information about the usage of the Website, improving the Website's operation, enhancing service quality, and developing new services;  

3. Informing Clients about changes in service provision, new services, and other changes or innovations;  

4. Analyzing the interests and preferences of the Client.  

- Disclosure of personal data to third parties is permitted only in the manner and on the grounds provided by current Ukrainian legislation.  

- The Website Owner guarantees that they will take all necessary measures to maintain the confidentiality of the Clients' personal data.  

- A necessary part of the Client's personal data may be transferred to a third-party contractor for the physical delivery of the Client's goods.  

- In the event of using a third-party contractor, the Website Owner ensures compliance with the declared standards for handling the Client's personal data.



The Website Owner informs the Client that the website may use a full range of modern automated information analysis methods that are not prohibited by current Ukrainian legislation, including, but not limited to: cookies.  

If official social network plugins or other widely known services are used on the Website, the responsibility for the actions of such plugins lies with their creator. Responsibility for interacting with such plugins rests with the Client. The Website Owner assumes that by agreeing to interact with official plugins of third-party services that may be installed on the Website, the Client fully understands the content of their actions and is aware of their consequences.



The Website Owner may send information related to their activities to the email addresses provided by the Client during registration.  

The Website Owner is not permitted to share Clients' email addresses with third parties, except in cases of using specialized services for mailing under a direct contract with the Owner.  

An official email sent by the Website Owner as part of a mailing must include an opt-out mechanism that the Client may use at their discretion.



Personal data can be deleted:  

- By the Client personally, at their request.  

- By the Website Owner if the Client's actions violate current Ukrainian legislation or the Website's Terms of Use.  

- At the request of government authorities, in accordance with current Ukrainian legislation.

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